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Six Reasons to Hire a DUI Attorney

Those who have been arrested for a DUI often feel as though hiring an attorney is a waste of time. They may believe that they will automatically be found guilty and decide to take whatever consequences are handed down to them. The fact is that hiring a DUI lawyer shortly after an arrest can seriously reduce one’s fines and penalties, thereby making the investment pay for itself over the long haul.

1. Prepare for an administrative hearing

In many cases, an administrative hearing is held shortly after an arrest to determine whether or not one’s driver’s license will be suspended. There may only be a short amount of time to request this hearing, normally a period of ten days. It can be easy for defendants to be so caught up in all the other event associated with a DUI arrest that they forget about filing a petition with the DMW. This can result in the automatic suspension of one’s driver’s license. A knowledgeable DUI attorney will ensure that timely petitions are filed so that a driver’s license is not suspended by default.

2. Investigate the circumstances surrounding the arrest

In order for a police officer to make a traffic stop, there must have been probable cause to believe that a driver violated a traffic law or was under the influence. Many times, the circumstances surrounding the arrest do not support the fact that the officer did indeed have probable cause. In these instances, it might be possible to have the charges dropped or reduced to a lesser offense.

3. Question the validity of sobriety tests

In order for sobriety tests to provide accurate results, police officers should be properly trained and the machines must also have regular maintenance performed. If the proper procedures are not taken, the validity of the test results can be raised in a court of law. It’s also possible that blood alcohol levels increased after an arrest took place. That’s because the blood alcohol levels continue to increase for a period of time after an individual stops drinking. If there was a delay between the time of a traffic stop and administering a sobriety test, the accuracy of test results may also be questioned. In these cases, an attorney may file a motion to suppress these test results in a court of law.

4. Cross-examining witnesses in court

A DUI lawyer is responsible for raising reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors, and one of the ways this is accomplished is through the careful cross-examination of witnesses. The lawyer may rigorously question police officers in order to prove they were not qualified to administer sobriety tests or failed to follow proper procedures when making an arrest. Any witnesses will also be carefully cross-examined to expose gaps in their story that could eventually cause jurors to doubt an individual’s guilt.

5. Better opportunity to negotiate a plea bargain

It’s not always possible to fight DUI charges. Instead, many defendants elect to work out a plea arrangement with the district attorney. Those who have a lawyer to help them with this negotiation process often receive a better deal than those who try to go it alone. Many times, first-time offenders can get off with only probation and a few hours of community service rather than being required to serve jail time.

6. Ease the stress associated with a DUI arrest

After being arrested for a DUI, individuals may be contacted by multiple parties such as insurance companies, the Department of Motor Vehicles, or district attorneys. They could also be contacted by other parties if they were involved in an accident. Knowing how to respond to these contacts can be difficult, not to mention the fact that it creates a great deal of anxiety as well. Those who are represented by a DUI lawyer do not have to worry about handling these inquiries because they can simply refer them to their attorney instead.

The initial investment involved with hiring a DUI lawyer may seem overwhelming to some; however, the long-term consequences of a conviction can be even more devastating. In order to obtain the best results possible, a lawyer should be contacted as soon as an individual is able to post bond.


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